Friday, October 2, 2015

.family pictures 2015.

We had family pictures taken this year in September.  I've always wanted to get them taken earlier rather than so close to Christmas, but for some reason it's never worked out, until this year!  Because we got them done earlier, I got the images back quicker and now I already have Christmas cards ordered.  I was going for the clean, dressed up studio shot so I thought the pictures turned out great (Annie Randall always does a great job!)  The kids did really well considering they had not eaten dinner yet.  It was a pretty crazy evening with Jared coming home from work, quickly getting everyone ready, and trying to keep everyone happy.  Eve was pretty much done before we even started.  She was being a real stinker.  Two thoughts stick out in my mind when I look at these pictures.  1. Man, these kids are growing up fast.  2. Jared and I are super lucky to have such a beautiful family.

.levi part 3.


Age 4-5 
  • asked me to stir the pancake mix because it was getting too hard...he said, wow!  you’re as strong as Hulk Smash, mom! 
  • told me you’re so soft and “comfortably” 
  • Packs a lunch (in his Cars lunch box) the night before school (with his brothers, even though he doesn’t even eat lunch at preschool) and then right after breakfast will get his lunch box out and start eating it.
  • Loves preschool this year (we switched to a diff lady because Reed was changing and I wanted the boys to go together)  Levi loves it because its a “farm” school.  The school is on a farm so we see tractors, horses, chicken all the time.  He gives me tons of hugs and sometimes acts like he doesn’t want to go to school, but once I pick him up he is always really excited and happy to talk about what he did.
  • Likes to count and sometimes asks me to lay on the bottom bunk and count with him before bed.
  • always wants me to sing “I’m so glad when daddy comes home” but wants me to sing Ramses (Nacho Libre) instead of dad
  • Loves yogurt, fruit snacks, twists, leather, chips and string cheese...all day long!
  • sleeps in his own room now, on the top bunk of his bunk bed (will share a room with Penny once baby sister comes)
  • is so soft when he touches my belly and kisses it all the time.  He prays for mom and that the baby will grow and come out soon
  • He was packing his lunch one night and without realizing it he was opening the string cheese he was about to pack.  He laughed about it and thought it was the funniest thing.
  • Loves to play with his brothers Lego ships, but always breaks them and then asks me where the directions are and tries to put them back together.
  • Races dad when he leaves for work (runs on the sidewalk next to the car) then walks up the the car and gives dad a high five and tells him he loves him.  
  • prays that mom’s baby (baby “Buford” all the boys are still convinced it’s a boy) will grow and grow and grow
  • before he goes to bed he wants to count and asks me what number to count to
  • is getting really good at writing his name
  • We just had our primary program last week and when he got up to say his part he said it so fast we couldn’t understand what he said.  He’s the cutest thing ever.  In the middle of the program (his class was right up in the front) he looked at me panicking and kept pointing at his nose.  Jared finally walked up there and had him blow his nose, but he said there wasn’t anything there.  He also kept telling the kids next to him to be quiet!  Funny kid.
  • Wants to be included with the big boys, but is also still my baby and misses me when he’s gone.  Jared just took the boys over the weekend to the dunes and Levi was excited to be able to go.  He told me, “maybe I’ll throw up” (he threw up once while camping with the boys).  The first thing he said to me when he walked in the door upon arriving was, “mom, I wanted to stay home with you!”
  • loves gogurt and will eat 3-4 a day
  • asks me every morning if it’s “game day” (a day they can play video games)
  • Was walking down the hallway and said “ooh, it smells good in here!”  When he walked up to me he said, “it’s you that smells good!”
  • Says to Eve, “oh I love you so much I just want to kiss you on the lips!” and asks me all the time if he can kiss her on the lips (I’ve told him to just kiss her on the head).
  • Is always jumping around and flailing his arms and legs around...he has been known to cause injury to anyone near him.
  • Said to Eve, “You smell so good, like cakes.  I want to eat you!”
  • loves to go mtn biking but not hiking because it takes too long
  • has stinky arm pits
  • A large woman walked by and Levi said, “Mom, see that lady.  She’s fat, but it’s OK!” (we’ve talked about how it’s not nice to say things about people that are fat, etc)
  • eats all day long!
  • Used to sleep on the top bunk and Penny is on the bottom, but he loves sleeping in the boys room (we used to let him sleep in there on the weekends, but he would ask me everyday what day it was and if it was the day he could sleep in there).  He is definitely the trouble maker in the boys room at night.
  • During Christmas break his preschool had a flood and everything was ruined, so his teacher decided not to continue the preschool, so now Levi is at home with us girls.
  • always wants to hold Eve
  • is very helpful and has gotten up in the morning and set the table complete with milk and cereal
  • One night I was reminding the boys that they needed to remember to make their beds before school.  The next morning Levi was the only one that remembered and made his bed.
  • isn’t very interested in sports, but loves to ride his bike, dig in the dirt with his tractors, and collect rocks and bugs
  • Shortly after having Eve (and even now that’s she’s 3 months) he thinks I’m going to have a baby!
  • Played soccer for the first time (2013) and had a lot of fun!  He ran around a lot and was really good (and really fast!) at running after the opposing team when they had the ball.  He also fell a ton and did somersaults on the field
  • Sun scream (sunscreen)
  • Vitamin seeds (vitamin C)
  • We were on our way to the cabin and Levi was riding alone in the back so I asked him if he was OK.  He said, ya, there's nothing scary back here!
  • "I love you... You're so soft and cuddling."
  • Conflortly (comfortable)
  • Mother I love you, I love you, I will obey (Levi's song)
  • At chick fil a Levi walks up to the counter yelling that he needs some lemonade. (and they gave it to him!)
  • At the theater a woman was standing up on front of Levi and he says, "hey watch out I can't see!"
  • At the Heber fireworks he tells out, "yeah!  We paid for these (fireworks)". Earlier we talked about how we pay to park so that they can buy the fireworks.
  • I told Levi he needed to brush his teeth so that the sugar bugs wouldn't make his teeth black.  He wondered if we had black teeth would we be wicked?
  • "Green walls" (Walgreens)
  • "You too" (you tube)
  • Go toppers (gobstoppers)
  • In the car he told me he wished he had black hair and not white.  Or he wished his hair was brown.  I told him not many people had white hair and that his hair was awesome.  He said, "well Grandpa has white hair!"
  • He has asked me many times how I know the Bairds kids names (bishops family).  He wondered how I knew "blank" Bairds name?  (His name is Blake)
  • Has been saying recently that he doesn't like his smile because his teeth are bad.
  • I feel like I want to eat her (as he's kissing Eve's feet) cause she smells like cakes!
  • said the boss is Jesus
  • Says "I'm afraid", "I'm afraid you're going to be late"
  • "I'm gonna get my brave on"-on our way to get Kindergarten shots
  • When I grow up I'm gonna be a cowboy.  I asked how come?  He said,"cause I like to ride horses" and I asked him if he's ever ridden a horse?  "No"
  • Sis Marz (collecting food for scout food drive) asked why Wyatt wasn't helping as we were piling in the car.  Jared answered that we were going to a family reunion/bday party for grandma.  Levi tells, "but she died!  She's my moms mom."
  • At the Gilbert temple open house Levi asked if the angel Moroni was "Lemuel?"
  • After the tour at the temple he said, "that was awesome and cool"
  • Levi was at a neighbors house and I asked him if he was playing.  He said, "no, I was just checking their house out!"
  • "Boomy trap" booby trap
  • We were doing phonograms one morning and when we got to "m" he said, like "molescum!"
  • I was nursing Eve and Levi lifted the blanket to see her head, but he lifted it too high and he said, "mom, I just saw your privacy!"
  • Says, "why thank you!"
  • Yelled to the boys one morning "ta ta!" when they were leaving for the bus.
  • I want to buy a garbage truck one day with my own money.
  • We were praying as a fam and Levi thought Jared said "amen" so he (Levi) said amen and then started talking while Jared was still praying.
  • When Eve cries really hard Levi says, "mom, she won't die before you get her!
  • When I'm talking to Eve Levi tries to say exactly what I say at the same time.
  • "I'm begging of you"
  • Elizabeth was showing Levi and envelope with "Mother's Day" written on it, "Levi, what does this say?  It starts with ma, ma?"  Levi says, "the only word I know that starts with ma, is machine gun!

.levi part 2.


Age 3-4
  • has a great fake, forced laugh (does it when everyone else is laughing at something)
  • We saw a firetruck in the parking lot and he asked if we could look at it, so I drove by and let the boys look at each side.  Levi was in awe and kept asking us if we saw “the platform?”  He’s watched the Mighty Machines movie so many times he actually knows the correct wording for the parts.  
  • has been lying recently
  • Asks for stories and songs every night.  Mostly he wants a story about a mean pirate (or nice) and a mean or nice snake.  He wants a song about that too.
  • Sometimes when I tell him I love him he will say, I love everyone, dad, Wyatt, Luke and Penny.
  • gives the best, tightest “sqeezes” (hugs)
  • says “flushie” for slushie
  • Loves watching the garbage truck come.  Yells, “ Awesome!”  He cheers and pumps his fist.
  • We were at tithing settlement (Levi really wanted to come and loves it when he’s included in things the older boys do) and every time bishop asked Levi a question he would hold his hands out and shrug (like, “I don’t know”).  He kept asking about the candy on the bishops desk.
  • Levi is very confident in himself and his abilities.  When we went to D-land in the summer (his first time) he acted like he’d been there before.  Running up to the rides, no fear.  We recently went to a firehouse to look at a firetruck and the firefighter asked Levi if he was going to drive the truck.  Levi sat up in the driver seat fully expecting to drive the truck.  
  • Will talk to anyone and isn’t afraid to say what he thinks.  We were eating out one day and a little girl came up to him and said hi and asked what his name was.  Levi told her, “I don’t like you!  Go away!”
  • Has a hard time sharing.  Especially his trucks at the park.
  • LOVES watching movies.  Will watch them all day long.
  • Always wants to sit up front in the car so he can sit by and see Penny.  If he can’t sit up front he wants me to fold the chair down so he can see her.
  • Goes into Penny’s room after she’s woken up, gets in her bed and plays with her.  I often hear them both laughing.
  • Levi’s 2012 Christmas list: crane truck (pretty much any and all trucks, but he always mentions the crane truck).
  • was playing legos/trucks with the boys and he named his truck (in all seriousness) “candy pants”
  • tells me not to watch him when he’s trying to finish all of his dinner 
  • Is a big tease to Penny, but gives her the biggest hugs.  He loves to carry her around (but it’s against the rules).
  • We went to a play and towards the end Levi was getting impatient.  An actor was dancing on the stage and very loudly Levi told him to get off!  
  • Repeats things (mostly in church during someone’s talk) he hears very loudly.  Once while in line at a store the lady in front of us was telling the clerk her phone number and Levi repeated it word for word (he was 2).
  • Has been saying he wants a crane truck for Christmas and then recently told me he doesn’t like crane trucks anymore, but he wants a tow truck.
  • Has a blanket (that I believe was Wyatt’s, then Luke’s.  One of the boys slept with silly putty and there’s now a brown stain where the putty used to be) that he loves and has to be holding the silly putty part in his hand by his face when he’s sucking his thumb.
  • Sucks his thumb all the time now (and brings his blanket to church and preschool, which promotes more thumb sucking throughout the day) and so dad told him that he can only suck his thumb at bedtime.  So now when I tell him to take his thumb out he tells me that he’s sleepy.
  • rides a two wheel bike now and has gone mtn biking twice with the big boys
  • can stand on his bike and ride with one hand
  • loves to hide and be found (scares very easily once he’s found)
  • has a dream light that shines stars (blue, orange, green) on the ceiling.  It always has to be one blue
  • fav songs right now, Santa Clause is coming to town (Justin Beiber) and Home (Phillip Phillips)
  • prayed for Aunt Rachelle (who has cancer) almost every night that she would get better (he remembered on his own to pray for her)
  • 4.8.13- Levi and Luke started swim lessons and Levi was so excited all day to go.  He put his swim suit on in the morning even though class didn’t start till 1pm.  At one point during the day he went out in to the garage and got the swim floaties, and water guns all ready.  I reminded him that these were swim lessons, not swimming!  Once we got to the lessons he had to wait 30 min for Luke’s class to be over.  He was so excited for his class.  He jumped right into the water and sat on the step.  I was watching him as he then stepped down to the lower step (shallow end) and then jumped right off the step into the water.  He started to dog paddle and looked very scared with huge eyes, because he couldn’t touch the bottom.  Ms Allison saw him and helped him back to the step.  He was shaken, but still did very well.
  • One night while singing songs he cuddled up to me and said, “You’re nice, and soft!”
  • watches Wreck it Ralph almost every day
  • Told me he hated me the other day.  I asked him if he knew what that meant and he didn’t, so I had to explain it to him.  He told me he heard it on Wreck it Ralph.  I guess he was just trying it out!
  • Was looking at the pictures above Penny’s changing table and when he saw the one of my mom as a little girl he said, “Hey, that’s the little girl at church!”  I asked him if she talked to him and he said no but that she was just happy!  I asked him what she was doing and he said she was just singing.  The hardest part about not having her here is that my kids don’t know her or get to interact with her, so I hope she has visited them.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Luke's baptism

 June 30, 2015
Luke’s baptism
Jared and I were out of town (in Chicago) for the stake baptism day, so we were all on our own for Luke’s baptism and it kind of snuck up on us!  I ordered invitations but we left town and I wasn’t able to send them through the mail in time, so luckily I was able to hand deliver or text/email most of them.  Jared pretty much took care of everything (contacting the stake for the font, scheduling the building, talking with Bishop, etc.  The day of the baptism I talked with the primary president to make sure we had the baptismal clothes).  Jared also took care of the program.  Luke decided who he wanted to talk, pray, sing and conduct and then he talked to each one and asked them if they would do it.  He did a great job!  Grandpa Webb spoke on baptism and Grandma Williams spoke on the Holy Ghost and both did a wonderful job!  It was really nice seeing my dad play the role of Grandpa (because he’s a dad all over again with his family) and teach Luke important things.  He took the job very seriously and he even gave Luke a compass, which was really cool.  Grandma Williams always does a great job speaking on the Holy Ghost.  She told interesting stories of how the Holy Ghost can teach, comfort and warn us.  She gave Luke a warm, white blanket.  Grandpa Williams sang a musical number (Baptism) and Levi said the opening prayer.  Wyatt said the closing prayer.  Levi was pretty nervous to say the prayer.  He started out great but got embarrassed when I told him to talk loud (and he started out a little too loud).  Reed was sitting right in front and started laughing uncontrollably.  Levi froze, so I got up and helped him finish.  I was proud of Levi for being so brave.  Maren played the piano, of course.  
The day of the baptism was a little hectic.  I had an appointment earlier that day and then did a few last minute store runs.  Lauren was kind enough to watch the kids while I was gone (Kristy was in town with all the kids).  I made a couple stops at the stake center to drop things off, and I spent a little time finishing up the video I made of Luke (birth-8 yrs old).  I brought the kids with me to the stake center to start setting up and luckily Jared came home from work and took all the kids (except Wyatt) home to eat dinner and get ready.  Also, I was planning on making cupcakes but thankgoodness Jared talked me out of that and we grabbed pre made cookies from Costco!  And Jared saved us a ton of time setting the chairs up the night before!  Wyatt was a tremendous help setting the cookies out, making lemonade and blowing up balloons.  The decorations were simple, but it always takes more time than I think, so Wyatt and I got home at the same time Jared was leaving with the kids to come back to the church.  Wyatt and I quickly got ready and rushed down to the church.  Once at the church everything slowed down and it was nice.  Luke was smiling from ear to ear the entire evening.  There were lots of people there to support him!  The program went smoothly and Jared said that when they were changing back into their clothes (after the baptism) Luke was pretty much bouncing off the walls because he couldn’t wait to get back out there!  What a funny boy.  I love Luke so much!  He is a happy kid.  He has a great sense of humor and loves to tell outrageous stories and make us laugh.  

Those in attendance:
Dad, Mickey, Cooper
Cam, Jenny and girls
Connie, Tim and kids
Carrie, Dan and boys
Ladd, Janet, Maren, Truman, Preston, Trevor
Wade, Kimber and kids
Tyler and Kristy’s kids (Kristy was picking Tyler up from the airport.  Kristy and kids have been visiting from PA for a couple of weeks now!)
Porter and Karla’s kids (Karla had her baby earlier in the day!)
Brad, Julie and kids
Jessica, Jordan and boys
Phil, Brittny and Ben Tew 
Connor Jones and dad (friend)
Koen Williams and dad (friend)
Sis Petersen (primary pres)
Bro Richardson (2nd counselor in bishopric)
Bro Carlisle (Luke’s primary teacher)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Penny goes to preschool

Thursday, August 6, 2015
Today was Penny's first day of preschool.  She goes to Melissa Goff on Tuesday and Thursday of each week from 8:30 (yikes, that's early for Penny!) to 11.  She's been excited for school all summer long!  She was most excited about going to school with cousin Coco.  This morning I went into her room at 7:45 to wake her up.  She stayed up later than usual last night singing in her bed so it was difficult waking her up.  I almost let her sleep and miss the first day.  Once she was awake I asked her if she wanted to go to preschool and she said, "yes!"  The night before she told me she wanted to wear her flower dress, so we had her clothes and shoes all set out.  She wanted her hair in "one little braid." She had cereal and yogurt for breakfast.  The boys were all still sleeping (they start school next Wednesday) but Eve woke up just in time to come along.  We listened to Disney songs on the way.  Collette pulled up just as we did so Karla and I took a couple pictures of the girls (Penny didn't want to smile for any pictures.  She was still waking up!) and then walked them inside.  Penny was especially excited that there was playdoh out to play with!  I showed her the bathroom (we went just before she left and she told me she wouldn't need to go at school) and we put her backpack on the wall.  I gave her a kiss, took a few more pictures (by about this time Eve was getting in to the kids water cups) and told her I would be back to pick her up.
Eve and I returned just before 11 to get Penny.  She was waiting by the front door with the other kids, with her dress tucked into the front of her underwear and her backpack on.  She saw me and didn't move from the teacher's side or even crack a smile, until I called her name and told her to "come here!"  She ran up to me with a smile on her face.  Her teacher said she did really well and that she was making her laugh by doing all of the animal noises.  I wish I could've heard that!  Once we got in the car she and I was buckling her she said, "Mom, I have to tell you something!  I played with playdoh and cut it up and we got a sucker and fishies!"  She said it was so fun!  She even asked if we were going back?!  On the ride home I asked her if she went potty.  She said she went "pee pee and poo poo!"  I wondered if Miss Melissa helped her and she said she did it herself (oh boy)!  Once we were home she said, "Miss Melissa is my teacher and she loves me!"  Sounded like a great first day of preschool to me!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Eve's blessing day 
April 13, 2014
Those in the circle included, Tim, Dad (Jared), Cam, Brad, Ladd, Wade, Porter, Jim (Grandpa), and Bishop Baird.
I was planning on having Eve wear the same blessing dress as Penny, (my wedding dress made into a blessing dress) but it just didn't seem right for Eve, plus it was huge and would've swallowed her up.  I decided to just keep it simple and dress her in a soft, cream dress.  She looked beautiful and everything was perfect.  Lots of family came to support, which is always nice.  Jared took a couple photos before church and I will cherish them forever.  Eve looked like an angel!  
 Levi sure does love his little sister!

Eve Christine was born Friday, December 27, 2013 at 7 in the morning.  
Eve’s birth story:
I had a dr appt Thurs 26th around 11 and asked Dr Beck to strip my membranes.  He asked me if I wanted to schedule an inducement if this didn’t work (I didn’t really want to be induced and sit in the hospital all day, but I decided to schedule a day to be induced just in they had an appt Fri at 5 am.  I set the appt but then called back after talking to Jared and cancelled it because he had appts at work that he didn’t want to miss and because I originally didn’t want to be induced!)  I was dilated to a 3 but not very “soft” so he didn’t make any guarantees this time (like he did with Penny).  I had had some contractions on my own, but nothing would stick around.  The procedure was mighty painful and I hoped it would work!  For the rest of the day I did have contractions, but nothing out of the ordinary.  That afternoon we dropped Penny off at Grandma and Grandpas and took the boys to dinner and a movie (Frozen).  Still nothing, so I figured we wouldn’t have a baby today.  I started to get a little anxious/upset because I was feeling really uncomfortable and was regretting canceling my inducement.  Jared and I went to bed.  Jared’s parents were planning on coming to our house if anything happened through the night.  I remember waking up every once in awhile with a pretty good contraction, but wasn’t too worried because they weren’t consistent and didn’t last.  But, around 2am I had a really sharp contraction and so I stayed awake deciding to time them just to see.  2:00, 2:07, 2:18, 2:29, 2:33, 2:44, 2:53, 3:02, 3:12, 3:23, 3:33, 3:43, 3:52, 4:00, 4:07, 4:09, 4:21, 4:26...there were a couple sharp ones so I woke Jared up and continued to time them but they weren’t close enough together I didn’t think.  Jared went a head and started to get things ready around 4 am just in case.  He got into the shower.  I got out of bed and wham-o!  The contractions were coming hard now!  And they were really close together!  Like one after the other.  I had to sit on the edge of the tub and couldn’t talk through them.  Jared was just showering away while I was crawling on the floor back to the bed.  I told him we needed to call his parents and he asked me to do it, not knowing how painful the contractions were now.  I told him I couldn’t do it!!  Finally he was out of the shower and called his parents to come.  I started to cry and shake.  The contractions were super close and I was worried that we wouldn’t make it to the hospital on time.  It seemed like we waited forever for his parents to get here!  Jared got me and my bag in the car while he went inside to grab a few things (he was making a sandwich).  Each time I had a contraction I would breathe out loudly and grab onto the handle of the car squeezing it tightly.  Jim finally arrived and walked up to the car as I was having a contraction.  He took one look at my face and knew I wouldn’t be able to say anything so I told him Jared was in the house...Jared came out and we were off!  As we’re driving down the road he whips out this pb&j sandwich he made and the smell is making me I yelled at him “what is that?, peanut butter?!”  So he kindly rolled the window down for me.  Once we were at the hospital I waited a minute in between contractions on the curb and then we made a mad dash inside.  Of course the lady admitting us had questions for me, so I sat in her chair and tried to answer her questions in between contractions.  We had a good laugh because we got to the hospital around 5am, which would’ve been the time my induction was set for if I didn’t cancel it!  The nurses were super quick and knew I was in a lot of pain, so they got me all set up right away.  I was smart this time and asked for the epidural while I was in they called the anesthesiologist  and had that set up for when I got to my room.  In the bathroom while changing my clothes I dropped to my knees and dressed on the floor because the contractions were so intense.  They checked me and said my bag was bulging and ready to break...I think I was dilated to a 6?  And fully effaced.  Next I was wheeled into the delivery room and given the epidural.   Hallelujah!!  Dr Beck was called and he came  pretty quickly.  I was at a 8-9 shortly after he arrived and he said he would be just outside if I felt like pushing. I was definitely feeling pressure, so he came back in, suited up, and had me start pushing!  A couple pushes later Eve Christine was born.   She was beautiful!  We thought she looked a lot like Luke as a newborn.  Dark hair, tiny face and features.  Her fingers were long and beautiful and her feet and toes were long too.  We were so impressed with her long toes and how she could bend them back to almost touching her shins!   She liked to tuck her top lip up and push her bottom lip out.  What a sweet baby girl!
I wanted to avoid the terrible first night in the hospital (like I had with Penny) so I got off dairy the week or so before delivering Eve.  (I ended up going dairy free with Penny because I figured out that it was really upsetting her stomach and messing with her skin and bowels).  Prior to having Penny I had an ice cream sundae every night!  No luck going dairy free with Eve.  Our first night in the hospital was pretty bad, just as it was with Penny.  Very little sleep for either of us.  I watched Sleepless in Seattle, which reminded me of mom, so that made it better.  I really dislike being in the hospital, dead tired, weak, on pain pills (not all there) and trying to deal with a colicky newborn.  Needless to say, I was relieved to have Jared back for moral support in the morning and to get home!  Just a side note, this time around I decided to go easy on the pain pills because I really don’t like the way I feel when I’m on them!  I did feel a little better because of that.  Poor Eve didn’t do too well even once we were home, either.  The dairy free wasn’t working on her like it did for Penny.  She would spit up a lot, and once it was a bright orange color.  I ended up taking her to the doctor after that, and they gave her the same stomach drops they gave Luke, but those didn’t really seem to help either.  Eventually she seemed to feel better.  


Reality right here.  5 crazy kids!!